my work

My work begins with images taken from the world around me – found images of surfaces, textures, colours, sometime much as I found them but often “taken for a walk”, to borrow a phrase. I use what we most often have to hand, mostly a mobile phone – hence, “on the run”.

My eye is drawn to the abstract, and I take delight in exploring how far I can transform an image to create a different way of seeing. Although the result I strive for is an abstract, I like to work from real world images. In this way, my images retain an organic “memory” of the real world which provides a hook for the viewer.

Despite the “digital” label, my work is often physical in construction, collaging or float mounted multiple images. Scissors, glue and sticky back plastic have all been used as well as scanned materials and artifacts; so perhaps not digital at all. I am increasingly using mixed-media and print making techniques to add further depth to my work.